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TOOLS: Supplies / Personal / Healing and Health
SUPPLIES: Helpful to own!
Service Dogs (Yes, military dogs have their ID number tatooed on their ear.)
Earthing pads- if there was only one supply you can afford get this! 2010
Far Infrared BIO-MAT heating/healing/detoxing mat- March 2014-2018
Far Infrared Healthy Line heating/healing/detoxing mat- 2015-2018
Stetzerizer EMF filters - clean up your 'dirty' electricity 2015-current
Frequency specific Microcurrent (MEND/FSM) 'tens' units treat pain -2006-now
FlashXpress Infrared Toaster Ovens-(microwave free)- 2014-current
PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic frequency) microcirculation mats- 2013
Food Blenders- heavy duty- for smoothies- 2012-current
HurryCane - stablizing walking canes - the 'Freedom' and the 'Go' 2011

SERVICE DOGS: Service dogs on and off the field save warriors lives daily. At the 3rd Annual Service Dog conference sponsered by Washington State Veterans Administration vets with their dogs taught us how wonderfully transformational the dog has been for their lives. The dog has the vets' back. Yes one dog replaces a whole squad! David told us that the day his dog arrived the family could feel the difference in his behavior. One day at about 9 months he got a 'huge energetically uplifting sensation' and he felt that he was being 'cured' by his dog's presence bounded into him. He knew he was a new better man!
It had not been easy to get his dog. Even though his VA doctor recommended him for a service dog, the VA program only paid for OIF/OEF vets and his service antidated those conflicts. Private funding got his dog for him.
The requirements are you must be 'clean and sober', have a dog friendly residence and be able to financially afford and care for all of your buddy's needs. The following service dog trainers are in Washington state.
Owner owned dogs-Fife, WA 800-730-3794
Canine Alert & Medical Assistance- breed their own dogs-Puyallup, WA, vet run. 253-961-6857
Canine Companions for Independence- national
non-profit (1975), 'they' own the dog.800-572-2275
Northwest Battle dogs-8month
training-'they' own the dog-Battle Ground WA 360-601-9744
Brigadoon Dogs gets their dogs from Brigadoon
Service Dog program from veterans incarcerated at Stafford
Creek Corrections Center, Bellingham WA 360-733-5388
All American Assistance Dogs, non-profit-
Auburn,WA, 253-951-6568
Warrior Canine, breds Labs and Goldens for wounded veterans. You own the dog and it is free to vets. At WRNMMC and NICoE in Bethesda, MD and the VA in Menlo Park, CA 301-260-1111
Volunteer puppy dog raisers are needed now!
'Tuesday' To The Rescue: Former Army Captain, 17 year veteran from OIF, wounded physically and carrying traumatic memory on his cells, Luis Montalvan's battle to come back from his combat stress and become a functioning person is very well written. Tuesday, a red golden retriever with his own trauma, found him. They soon 'had each others back'. And together they have healed each other's souls.

EARTHING PADS: 'EARTHING, the most important health discovery ever!' by Clint Ober introduced me to the importance of having enough electrons in your body to keep your blood circulating everywhere, stop inflammation, heal pain, and stay alive. His earthing pad is a very simple device to connect you to earth electrons. Read Ober's book.
A shorter summary by Dr. Sinatra can be found in the Negative Ion button.
Some people can get what massage therapists call a "detox reaction" ( headaches, fatigue, nausea and rarely diarrhea) from the pad's ability to mobilize toxins. If a headache starts you just drink more water to flush the toxins out. Persons on coumadin should only use this pad after consulting with their doctor to possibly lower the dose.
Learn about the town that 'earthed itself' in The Grounding dvd. The pad is very cheap help for arthritis and other chronic disorders. Just plug it into a grounded outlet. We use Stetzier filters on that grounding outlet.
We use our pads everyday. I take mine with me on trips. Ziva is on hers (black pad with white cord attached) while she sits on Bear's lap. She even licks her pad.
You buy two pads for $50-60 through www.earthing .com.
I believe that every veteran MUST be sleeping all night long on an Earthing pad to increase the speed and distribution of the circulating red blood corpusles.
Read Dr. Mercola's article and hear his interview with a research bio-physicist.

Stetzerizer filter in outlet with a surge strip holding the
Earthing pad
& Dr. Clark's

EMF/EMI FILTERS: EMF -'dirty electricity' has long been recognized in Europe as a health hazard.
Learn how Shaun Kranish recovered from his EMF toxicity and started selling Stetzer products. They have a small plug-in meter that reads the level of dirty electricity at the outlet and the 'grounding' units that clean it out.
ALL of my devices - the Earthing pads, my BIO-MAT, 'Prowave', Dr. Clark's digital zapper, and my PEMFs plug into a surge protector that shares an outlet with a Stetzerizer filter! (about $35)
See my photo.
My computer work space and the TV entertainment area both have their own filters.
My body, luckily is not as sensitive to EMF as some of my friends. I still do not want to weaken my immune system. The studies from Europe are impressive.
FAR INFRARED HEATING PADS: As far as far infrared (FIR) heating-healing pads go I have not found one that outperforms my Richway BIO-MAT. My Cranio-sacral therapist- an 'energy sensitive',
'tested' all 3 FIR mats I had bought and loved the BIO-MAT best. She slept on it and the next week ordered one for her massage table. As a skilled therapist she is able to feel the energy of the tissues and how the BIO-MAT frequency rapidly 'melts' the problem away enabling rapid recovery. Now she prefers to use the mat in all of her sessions. Then she became an authorized dealer and knows how to get that veterans' $100 discount with a DD-214 on the $1695 'Professional' 75 x 25 inches(shipping $60). The current price for the torso size which I use (33 X 24 inches, lighter to carry about) is $700. It has both the FDA medical and European medical device approval. The Bio-Mat is carefully made in Korea.
Healthy Line makes a jade-tourmaline FIR pad I am testing now ( 2016) for $400. I sleep at the setting of 37-40 and like that the 72'' pad heats my feet. The 24" width is perfect for placing two side by side in a double or queen sized mattress. There are no lumps as the stones are cut flat. It can run for 3-6-12 hours! It is not listed as a 'medical device'. I would buy this one again, but Ziva still prefers the BIO-MAT!
News flash-November 2017 I now prefer the Healthy Line SOFT-amethyst 7224 with a tan cloth cover, a bit more pricey but so much more comfortable and cosy for $799. These mats have good EMF protection, but I still use my surge protector and a Stetzerizer dirty electricity cleaner.

With her head on the Earthing pad, Ziva is sleeping on the Bio-Mat covered by a peach cotton towel. The control is set at the lowest heat. Its timing can vary between 2-12 hours.
Richway & Fugi's Bio-Mat Far Infrared Heating pad is certified in Europe and by the FDA as a medical device (made in Korea).
Bio-Mat is used in Japanese medical therapies.
2 Channel micro-amp Microcurrent 'tens' units are my 'sniper rifles' to treat pain and wound healing with micro-amperage 'rounds'. You have to set the 'sights' for both the disorder and the target tissue in a 'firing' sequence. If your sequencing is accurate the pain will be gone or decreased by the end of the run time.The protocols in the units are able to 'tell' the tissues to start healing themselves. Imported from Europe in 1930s. This technology seems to be able to make 'miracles' happen electrically, like nothing we were taught in my medical school where we learned drug therapies not bio-physics.
The InspirStar unit healed my slipped disc so that I could operate without pain in 5 days. It takes my back pain from yard work away as I work. As a surgeon I would not practice without MENDTechology (FTM) units for assisted wound healing and control of bleeding.
Purchase requires a prescription by a MD, ND, DC, DO or RNP. The professional who is licensed to use electricity (bovies and other 'electro-stim' devices) is required to have Frequency specific 'core course' (3 days) and some 'advanced course' training is helpful.
The Wellness units are battery operated and portable ($1400). These are not combat grade units yet.
Panasonic FlashXpress Infrared Toaster Oven NB-G110P

Replace your microwave with a 'double infrared' heating unit.
Price varies $79 for used to $104 new- shop wisely.
My 'outdated' microwave is now used as a vitamin storage facility.
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field is the energy field of mother earth. The Schmann frequency (7.83 HZ) is her 'EKG'. Our bodies NEED electrons to make ATP to make the heart beat, muscles move, RBCs do their work of transportation. Yuri Gagarin taught us that on 12 April 1961 when he returned from orbit after only 108 hours very sick.
All of the PEMF mats are from Germany with some help from the Russians. They all stop RBC sticking to each other and thus increase the rate of negative ion and oxygen transport into the microcapillaries and removal of CO2 and cell metabolic wastes.
[see Magda Havas's RBC photos]
After 8-24 minutes on the PEMF mat the RBCs are charged with negative ions. Goodwin at NASA has studied PEMF effects. His findings are impressive.
The mats for home usage (with lower microtesla levels) are the Bemer, iMRS and QRS. They are designed to be used twice daily to 'recharge' your batteries. I own both the iMRS and the QRS -which has one setting which
stimulates delta-dream brain waves and relaxes me. I have no data on its effectiveness for combat
insomnia. It is very simple to use. Mine is
layered between my matresses.
Listen to Bryant Meyers' video or read his
excellent basic PEMF discussion for non-
scientistsin the Electrons & Lightning page.
This is 'rocket ship-into-space science'. Or read his book.

Food Blender, heavy duty, to make fresh organic vegetable fruit smoothies that contain all the good vitamins, enzymes, plant nutritionals your body needs to stay healthy.
A blender is better than a 'juicer' which rejects the pile of pulp. The blender allows you to eat the whole plant which has all the fiber.
Costco had a sale on my Vitamax. My son got a refurbished (second hand) blender with a square lid which I like better because of the container shape.
Do your shopping.
HURRYCANE: Seniors who used the simple 1 point canes tried walking with the Hurrycane and found it to be 'more stable'. The next level up is the four point cane for the less agile and finally the traditional 'walker' for the most support.
A Marine with a knee injury likes his because it does not give his hand a blister like the standard issued VA candy cane handle does. ($20.00)
I have 2 canes which allow me to move my arms while walking fast and stabilizes me over rough terraine. I wrapped mine with reflective tape for night walks. They will fold up.
The 'Freedom' comes in 4 colors: red, purple, blue & black.
The 'GO' is a new model with a sturdy adjustible telescoping shaft & foam handle in black only. These canes are a 'Go!'

HurryCane 'Freedom' - foldable with a foot
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